The result of the Rent Check shared accommodations

So what can you do with the result of the Rent Check? It depends on whether the current rent is higher or lower than the maximum rent.

Good to know:

  • Rooms and other shared accommodation are always in the social sector. The tenant is therefore entitled to rent protection.
  • The Rent Check is prepared according to the housing valuation system. Nevertheless, it may happen that your result differs slightly from reality, for example due to measurement errors or because a question is understood differently from how it was intended.  
    Therefore, when assessing the rent, the Rent Tribunal always assumes a points score, which is set by a Rent Tribunal investigator or another expert.

If your current rent is HIGHER than the maximum rent according to the Rent Check

The rent is too high. In this case, the tenant may apply for a rent reduction. They should first apply to the landlord. If the tenant and the landlord are unable to reach an agreement, they can take the matter to the Rent Tribunal. Find out more. (in Dutch)

The tenant and the landlord can also go to the Rent Tribunal if they cannot agree on:

  • the annual rent increase;
  • maintenance and defects in the property; or the payment of service charges.

If your current rent does not exceed the maximum rent according to the Rent Check

The rent is correct. However, the tenant and the landlord may apply to the Rent Tribunal if, for example, they are unable to reach an agreement on:

  • the annual rent increase;
  • resolving defects in the property; or
  • the payment of service charges.