Rent Check self-contained accommodations

Do you want to know what the maximum rent for a rented accommodation is? Then run the Rent Check.

The Rent Check, produced by the Rent Tribunal, allows you to calculate the number of points for an accommodation based on the housing valuation system. Within this system, each part of the property is awarded points. For example: 

  • the property’s value under the Wet waardering onroerende zaken – WOZ (Real Estate Valuation Act) – this is referred to as the ‘WOZ value’;
  • the energy label;
  • the number and size of the rooms; 
  • the facilities in the kitchen, toilet and bathroom; 
  • the outdoor spaces belonging to the accommodation .

The exact way in which the number of points is determined is set out in the Besluit huurprijzen woonruimte (Housing Rents Decree - only available in Dutch).

The result of the Rent Check

The Rent Check gives the total number of points for a self-contained residence or room(s) and the maximum rent that can be charged.
This gives you, for example:

  • a good estimate of the reasonable rent for a self-contained residence or room(s);
  • for landlords, a points score, as required from 1 January 2025 for all new rental contracts;
  • for tenants, a points score, which you will need if you want to ask for a rent reduction, among other things.

The Rent Check for different types of accomodations

Does the accommodation have its own entrance door, living room, toilet, kitchen and bathroom?
> Then go to Rent Check for self-contained residences

Does the accommodation consist of room(s) or other accommodations with a shared toilet, a shared kitchen and/or a shared bathroom?
> Then go to Rent Check for shared accommodations